Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge, Copper Alloy 111.10 and 111.12

The model 111.10 and 111.12 pressure gauges use a Bourdon tube system to measure pressure. When pressure is applied, the Bourdon tube bends, and this movement is transmitted to a mechanism that displays the pressure reading.

These gauges have a modular design, allowing for various combinations of materials, connections, sizes, and measurement ranges, making them versatile for many industrial applications.

For installation in control panels, they can be equipped with either a surface mounting flange or a triangular profile ring with a mounting bracket, depending on the type of connection used.

The standard model 111 is produced efficiently on modern production lines, with an output of millions of units each year to optimize costs.


  • For gaseous and liquid media that are not highly viscous or crystallising and will not attack copper alloy parts
  • Pneumatics
  • Heating and air-conditioning technology
  • Medical engineering

Special Features

  • Reliable and cost-effective
  • Design per EN 837-1 or ASME B40.100
  • Nominal size 40 [1 ½”], 50 [2″], 63 [2 ½”], 80 [3″], 100 [4″] and 160 [6″]
  • Scale ranges to 0 … 400 bar [0 … 6,000 psi]
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